Anyway I am supposed to be making Lime Marmalade today and guess what? I'm not!! How bad am I!!!!!! Tori has shared her germs and I'm feeling abit yuk, cold/aches etc! So I ambled down the garden and took some photos on the way!!!
Looks a right mess doesn't it!The sky is grey now but the sun is out! I could really do with jet washing the patio to get rid of the grime but I worry about the amount of water it will use to do it!!!!!
The Caster Oil plant in the corner of the patio has done well this winter
look another little visitor
I think I have alot of ladybirds because of this ivy above the coal bunkers
I planted it many, many years ago to hide the ugly grey block wall and then as we got the coal bunkers I encouraged it to hide those too. The only problem is, that is also home to millions of slugs and snails!!!! I could do with getting rid of it but the advantages out weigh the disadvantages, its evergreen and hides a really ugly wall. A new plant would take ages to cover this area plus I would need trellis or wires and I'm not sure how good that wall actually is!! Best left alone I think!! Anyway I have planted a clematis to climb up through it, so hopefully we shall have some colour this year!!
The Trachycarpus has faired well this winter considering all the wind we have had. I think I need to re-pot it this year. Hubby and I bought this about 2-3 years ago in a nursery down a country lane somewhere and we got it for a song. The little plant pot man was a present from my youngest niece Emily!
I am now stood at the end of the chicken run looking back up the garden
looks a right mess! I know I need to cut back the old growth it would make it look alot better. Really I need to totally redo this bed because there are some really good plants in here, that have not grown to their potential because of the 4 enormous Silver Birch that are on the right hand boundary of my right hand neighbours garden, I think they must be close to 40ft now and her garden at this point is only 13ft wide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now one of my most favourite spots in the garden
Time wasters patio!! Looking back up the garden!!
Joanna if you look over the fence and to the left of the all white dormer window, you can see a silver tube with a hat on it, that is the flue to my Rayburn! Although I have chimney's, the chimney to the kitchen had been taken out before we moved in, so we had to have one built, which is far from ideal!!!
Between the concrete post and the arch is where the chickens will be moved too, going back up the garden.
Have you had enough or would you like to see whats going on in the greenhouse! Its really full at the moment.....
the onions are going totally mad...
sweetpeas are coming along nicely
and I have started some more for my friend, up the road.
Here are some Cornflower Rothrockii which seem to be a cross between a thistle and a cornflower and some Black Hollyhocks
My Tree Fern behind a dead looking banana with the fig to the right of the banana
the tree fern was another bargain, we picked up for our wedding anniversary present a couple of years back, I think it cost £30!!! Underneath and behind the tree fern are Cannas, but this is quite a cold corner of the greenhouse.
In the other corner
are 2 Egyptian Paparus which I bought cheaply at the end of last year and didn't get in, also an Elephants Ear's plant and another Canna.
Under the potting bench are more Canna's and a fuscia
and of course pride of place in the middle of the greenhouse is the ever growing Brugmansia
with the new baby one on the shelf behind it!!
Just so you know how nuts we are about tropical plants
one or two books we have on the subject!!!!!
Oh! I always knew I was unique!!
Thanks for the trip up the garden. It's not a mess; it's just Spring waiting to happen. Those onions are doing really well! Great to see ladybirds and love the little pot man. Mick & I grew ivy to hide our fences. How proud I was splitting up the pots we'd bought into individual plants!!! Curse it now 'cos I have to keep hacking it back!. Still it does support wildlife and THE FENCE!
Wow your post has made my day. Your garden looks so long and I love the way it twists and turns.
Your green house and contents are brilliant - all those exotics.
Your onions are going made aren't they. Mine are in a cold lean too so are no doing much yet - makes it easier for me to plant them out.
You sure have green fingers with all your seedlings.
I typed up a post mine in - only a few - and the photo sizes kept playing up - so I am glad you did yours.
I just love reading all your posts
Hope you kick the cold.
had to do your "how many of me"; there are 7 of me and 31 of Mick
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