My new prop. is practically full
and everything in here appears to be enjoying the heat, what I have to remember is to water more often
at night I cover it with a fleece which helps keep the temp up!
The sweetpeas that I planted last week have just popped there heads out
my onions are in there starter trays
and I have planted some tomato seeds and covered them and left them in the greenhouse, it will be interesting to see if they come through!
Outside the chickens are weeding for me
I have one tulip and this lovely hellabore,
I really love the colour of this one. I do have one other hellabore but it is so covered in holes that you can hardly see it, I really must remember to dig it out.
The current state of the garden leaves alot to be desired! The flower bed on the right looking up the garden is I think coming along I have alot of bulbs for here.
The area closest to the camera is/was/maybecontinuetobe the chickens scratch patch, during the summer I put the chicken netting round this area
I really want to sort this area out and as my neighbours have said I can use the bottom of there exceptionally long garden to house my chooks during the summer, I hope to be able to do something magnificent here!!
The bed closest still needs some manure (Kathryn is home this weekend) and to be totally dug.
The middle bed is done and has garlic planted all the way round. Just beyond that you can see a pot lying down, that is my eyucalyptus (sp?) it got blown over. Then beyond that another bed that needs digging!
The storms didn;t affect us too badly, we had bad winds and you could actually feel the house shake but fortunately no damage!
Right off outside to do the chickens back sometime soon!