Trying to do a bit around the garden, but having to be careful as the last 2 weeks has taken a toll on my back. I have to move the chickens eglu and fencing twice a week, which is doing me no favours! So have booked myself an appointment with the physio for next week hopefully she can save me! My GP wants a report from her as he wants to send me for a scan to see how bad my back is, which could mean an op!!! I told him I'd had enough ops to sink a ship and maybe I could survive!!!!
Anyway, another trip down my garden to see how it grows? Do you ever get fed up of the same old, same old?? I reckon if you came to visit you could walk my garden blindfolded! I used to do lots of things, crafts and cooking etc all I seem to do is my garden but I love it so much, I feel so rested and relaxed whilst I'm out there.... I have been planning my Christmas gifts, but then I can't blog about them. I could always stop blogging!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think so...........
So lets start with a problem..... my Maurelli... a few weeks ago a leaf seemed to get stuck then since then all it produces is distorted leaves! I have asked the question on my tropical forum so await there answer.
My Red Tiger banana is growing at a pace now the weather has warmed up!
My original banana, seems to have recovered from it leaf colour problems earlier this year! It is sending pups up left, and right. I am hoping that next year the main banana may flower, we will have to see. But once its flowered it will die which is quite sad.
My tree ferns are going mental this year
especially the little one.
My Indian Bean tree has grown massively, probably a bit too massively!!
we may have to move this come the autumn, but I have just the spot!
Whilst K is home I have 'used' her in the garden, she like me enjoys being outside so we have been digging up and planting in. One of the first plants to go in was a palm I had had in a pot for about 2-3yrs and it was really beginning to suffer
since it has been in the garden which is less than a month, it has produced one complete leaf and you can see the spike of a second on its way!!
I am really glad I decided to plant my bamboos in pots
this one as you can see has gone mental!
My first aubergine!
Do you remember this
well it has grown a bit!
and walking back up my jungle patio
Must dash my sister is coming today!!!
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago