Many, many years ago I used to breed Guinea pigs, after a while we got rats but in those days we had Chimarni who was a true 'RatCat'! Now the hens frighten the cats so the cats avoid them like the plague!
Hubby went out to clean them out as that work is still to heavy for me and look what he found.....
Yep! a rat hole and they had made a comfy nest under the Eglu. We should have realised as the eggs laid, had gone down again but the food consumption had gone up!So what to do????? The only thing we could and that is to lay slabs, so we, yes 'WE' raked out the run and roughly leveled it
it means that we have had to attach the full run onto the eglu so that at night we can lock them in, food and all.
Here it is finished! What this means is that it will now always be a two man job to clean it out. In the summer I usually clean out mid-week, but I won't be able to anymore as I can't lift the eglu and run at the same time! So they will get smelly even after a few days!! To be honest I'm gutted and am really not sure what to do. Once the Rats are here they are very difficult to get rid of! I can't use poison because of the cats, I can't set traps because of the cats. I'm stumped!!!
They are such great characters just look at them out and about whilst we where re-designing there home!!!
A change of subject...... can you see what I can see?
Look closer.......
Yep the first frogs spawn! Yipee!!
Prior to all this calamity I was in good old Wilkinsons buying this lot..
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago