We moved Kathryn out of halls yesterday and she took mum home as she is doing work experience with her adopted 'Gramps', he's has his own estate agency, something Kathryn has always fancied doing! So her room is returning to normal!!!!
Tori went to the hairdressers for her practice 'put up'! She wanted a period look and I think the hairdresser did a great job
that is the necklace she will be wearing, (well there had to be black somewhere!)plus she has some opera length black gloves as well! Even after she brushed her hair it still was all wavy, she loved it, because she/we have never been able to get a curl to stay in her hair!!
So now I play catch up on the washing. We where supposed to be going to dismantle the 'bargain greenhouse' today but hubby has had to go into work. Fortunately the couple who own it are in no rush to have it taken away!! So hopefully next weekend! I have been buying off Ebay again, one or two or maybe even seven plants!!!!! But all at bargain prices of course!
Right I'm off out to play catch up in the garden, it may take a while to play catch up on your blogs but I will!
See you later!