The recipe is one I was given in the first year at Secondary School, I have kept it and used it ever since.
I then lined the tins and as you can see its all done very neatly, this is a habit I got into when I used to make and ice cakes for friends and I've just stuck with it, plus it makes icing a bit easier.
I weighed all the fruit and poured on a generous amount of brandy to soak whilst I did everything else.
Using my mixer I beat the butter and sugar
Having added the eggs and flour I then added the fruit.
All mixed up now
then in the cake tin
Now I am doing something I have never done before, I am cooking two at once in the Rayburn!
The bottom oven, the warming oven is holding around 140C according to my thermometer so I have the smaller cake in here and it may take longer to cook but I don't mind. If it works it means I can put one in here over night. The top oven on the other hand is hot and I keep having to open the door, which is how you cool Rayburn ovens. So depending on how they turn out, is whether I add to this post later or do a post tomorrow!!