We spent a lovely day Thursday enjoying the sun, pottering round the garden and making bath bombs with my neighbour, so easy to do and I must admit probably better to do in the garden!!!
This is one the new 'Brug' which is now showing the orange ring around the end of the petals!
Whilst round at my neighbours T started coughing and then complaining of a pain that ran down the side of her neck, we gave her a glass of water and it seem to subside, so we carried on.
The beautiful dahlia fully opened. This is the first year I have grown them, I will have to check with Ruth as to what to do with them over winter!!!
Once we had finished we packed up, helped tidy away and trundled back home. T had become very quiet and was getting paler by the minute, which is quite something as she is already pale anyway! She now had a pain in her chest!!!
Another view of the new 'Brug'!
As we only had one car, the other was in for its MOT, I made a Doctors appointment, took K to work and then went straight to the Drs with T.
She was very thorough but concluded that it was 'a virus'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alocasia with dew!
Got back home and there was a message on the answer machine from hubby! Could I phone him on his mobile! Odd, as he rarely asks this! So I did, he had just been to the physio as he had an extremely bad pain in his right calf, she thought it maybe DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) and he should see his GP straight away!
So he made the appointment, hopped on his bike and drove 22 miles back to our GP. He was not convinced but bearing in mind his past history (he has had DVT before which was very serious as it went to his lungs)he made him an appointment at the main hospital.
Morning Glory, such a bright purple! Lovely but I still prefer sweetpeas!
So he drove the 22 miles back from where he had come as the hospital is only round the corner from where he works!
Red Caster Oil plant, flower, most unusual! Hasn't grown as big as I hoped!
After a series of tests, they too weren't sure but gave him a 'heparin' injection in the stomach and told him to come back at 4pm Friday for a scan!
Top view of an arum lily! I really love these and intend to plant lots more!
So we went back yesterday and it turns out not to be a 'clot' but the physio was definate it was not muscular so this obviously need investigating further!!!!
I had to cancel my pre-addmission appointment which was Friday afternoon, but as I have had so many ops with them over the last 6 months they where happy to me answering questions over the phone. I also said I did not really want to cancel incase hubbys DVT turned out not to be! So with great relief (I think!) hubby is fine, but I have still to go and have my op Monday!!!
This is my original 10ft tall Brugmansia which has flowered none stop since heaven knows when this year! I have chosen to let it get this height, they can be prunned to keep it at a reasonable size! I have a number of Brugs just waiting to open there buds so I should have pics of a few more different colours soon!
I do have some small Brugs and will be taking some cuttings of others soon, if you are interested please contact me for prices.(currently most expensive £5 plus p&p) They must be overwintered in a greenhouse or indoors as they dislike frost intensely!
UK only!