Looking for inspiration I went to the library. But it turned into quite an emotional day for memories!
I picked up these books
and brought them home, but before I had a chance to flip through them I had a meeting with my neighbour and the 'Rights of Way' Officer. Our local farmer is trying it on again.
I had never met the Rights of Way Officer (Colin) before, so it was quite a shock to meet someone who reminded me so much of my father. A big man with such a happy face...
I was quite tearful when I got in. So I sat down with a coffee and my books,the first page the book opened too was this
Picalilli, I remember dad, making this, sat at the kitchen table chopping up onion and cauliflower, he was a seafarer so a good cook and passionate about his food. I must admit his picalilli was good.
Lemon Curd, reminded me of my Nana, have no idea what she did with it, but when ever I see it, or smell it, it reminds me of her
During my blog hopping recently someone was looking for a beetroot chutney recipe, I can't for the life of me remember who it was, so if you see this let me know and I will pass on the recipe!
and finally still seeking inspiration for Christmas. Last year as you may or may not remember I was part of the Christmas in progress blog. I signed up for this year and am embarressed to admit I have done nothing, zilch, zero! I hope something inspires me soon!
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago