the arch fell down, well in fact it broke, which bearing in mind its age is to be expected!! So I will have to get another!! The chickens run looks a bit yuk but it is still a work in progress,
they seem happy enough...
Bunty wants to know why I'm poking a silver box through the netting and not some corn whilst Bree is charging off in the opposite direction saying 'eek a human!!'
Big Bird says 'I have got my good eye on you!' (shes blind in the other). I do wish I could do some recording of the noises Big Bird makes, they are so funny and often bring a smile to my face, so I'm sure it would make you laugh to!!!
It is such a glorious day today, that I decided to get out and about in the garden. First I trotted off into the greenhouse, with all the seedlings from my windowsill which I need to prick out.
Now I've done that this lot will go back inside the house, they are the chillis, peppers which do not like the cold and some of the tomatoes!
and this lot will stay in the greenhouse with a propagator lid on. Mainly tomatoes but I have included a chilli and pepper to see how they fair compared to the ones in the house!!!
I was going to plant some peas in gutters ready for planting out a bit later, but the way the onions are growing I think I had better wait a bit!!
I think next year I shall wait a month longer!! I've also planted some salad bowl lettuce (the pick and come again kind), corn salad, slalad rocket and spring onions, I've never tried them this early in the greenhouse before, but thats what I have one for!!!!!!
Right now I can't fit another thing in the greenhouse, I'm outside now look at the frogspawn, some have little legs...
I then did some bits and bobs around the garden, found a load more ladybirds! This is a solar panel dragonfly that I got at good old wilkinsons, I've popped it here for my sister to look at cos I thought a few of these would be a good pressie for my mum for her birthday, they come in butterflies, these and ball shaped!
Then I came in and found a nice surprise, 1 letter and 1 parcel, both for me so I opened the letter
Inside I found a match book of wild flower seeds and some Strawberry Spinach seeds which Ruth and I saw on Scarecrows site and both thought it looked interesting. Unbeknown to me Ruth ordered the seeds and has very kindly sent me some. Thank you very much Ruth, its amazing how we have never met but we seem to have found a link through 'blogging' I appreciate your friendship! xxx
Then in the parcel
from Mrs Nesbitt, was lots and lots of beads, and some bulbs and some rose petals, rosebuds. But they must have had a rough journey because when I opened the box and took out the bags there where beads rolling everywhere as the bags had opened.
This was for being the nearest to 15000 and leaving a comment on her blog! I will be sending her an e-mail!
Blog has been a total pain this afternoon, it has taken me ages to do this post becuase the pics don't like being uploaded, anyway we got there in the end!!
Sorry to read you had some damage. I lost one of my arches last year; luckily before the clematis had grown up it. All your seedlings are looking so well! Bumper crops this year as long as Mother Nature is kind. Glad you like the seeds; you've just got to find space for them now!! The goodie bag from Mrs N looks interesting...something to create on a rainy day.
Miss Libby's garden is a site to behold. Indulge the New World girl and tell me what corn salad is please.
WOW Look at those seedlings!!!
The solar butterfly looks intersting ,never seen those before.
Take care
I'm glad your blog worked in the end because the result of all your hard work is very nice. I love the pics of your chickens. What a pity the arch broke during the storm.
And thanks for reminding me it's time to sow the tomato seeds because I haven't done that yet. It's sometimes difficult to figure out when the right sowing time is, isn't it?
It's nice to get little presents in the post and letters too. Nowadays is mostly email, isn't it?
I like the solar panel dragon fly!
Your Onions are looking well Libby. I don't think it would matter how big a greenhouse is it would never be big enough!!Before I had a heated greenhouse provided the weather was bright enough to warm the greenhouse I used to put tomato plants out in the greenhouse during the day and brought them in at night, this helped a bit to stop them going leggy. If you have a big bright wndow maybe you don't have that problem. Bob.
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