These are 2 of the more difficult 'pips' to grow so are quite a Gamble!!!
This plant is a perennial, dying down in winter, when it needs a temperature of 55F (13C)and shooting up in spring. In theory it is possible to propagate the ginger plant from the dried roots bought for flavouring. The dried ginger 'root' called 'hands' because of the way rhizomes are grouped, are imported in two forms, coated and uncoated. The latter have been peeled and processed and are usually sold pre-packed, there is no hope of growing these. The uncoated roots are more likely to be sold by the non-supermarket grocer.
Plant the pieces of root close together in soiless compost kept moist and as warm as possible. If nothing has happened after a couple of months, nothing will. If a piece of rhizome does shoot it should be potted up separately and grown on in a warm room. The plant resents direct sunlight and if the temperature is reasonable will succeed in a north window. It needs plenty of water in spring and summer, but after October, when the leaves die off, the roots should be kept dry. If you 'Google' root ginger and image there are a couple of sprouted rhizomes to inspire you!
Date Palm
Some of my stones in soak!!!
The date stone is very, very hard and sometimes infertile and needs alot of warmth to start it on its way. The only way to cope with infertility problem is to plant as many stones as you collect.........
Collect all the stones from your box of dates and soak for 48 hrs in tepid water. Put a thick layer of soiless compost in the bottom of a poly bag, spread the date stones over and cover with another layer pf compost. Tie bag tightly and place in airing cupboard or some other really warm spot. As you get more stones treat them in the same way, adding them to the same bag. You can repeat this for as long as you eat dates!!! The contes of the bag need an occasional sprinkling of water and an inspection for signs of germination. As long as they are kept warm and moist it doesn't matter if they get mixed up!
A stone that shows signs of germination-usually the appearance of a root- is potted up by itself in soil-less compost in a smallish pot, about an inch below the surface and care nust be taken not to break the root.Keep the compost moist and once a root has popped through the pot must be put in a light place. A heated propergator is ideal, but a window sill in a warm room especially near a radiator is better.
Let me know how your going please!!
Hi Libby
Well went down our local shop yesterday (if you've been into my blog There area million stories) you'll understand why I couldn't get further) to try and find something exciting for the pip challenge. Well the only exotic stuff was all in tins! so that put paid to that. The only thing I could get were some oranges; bit boring I guess but with no heated greenhouse, propergator or cosy conservatory it'll be a challange to grow an orange tree/shrub/seedling! on a window sill. Will do a post on my "Me, my life, my garden blog" tomorrow about it.
Super, I shall be growing all mine on windowsills as well. I will probably do easy ones as well, cos I don't want to be disappointed, do I!!!
Hi again
Re: your comment on my blog... Of course you can put me on as a link. Don't know why I'm not coming up right when you click on me in your comments box? another blogger mystery....maybe I'm confusing it having 3 blogs! LOL
Aha!..sussed the problem I think...I hadn't ticked the SHOW PROFILE box...hopefully sorted now.
Flip - I will have to open the unused box of dates as we threw the pips away before you suggested doing this!
Ah well - I didn't need much of an excuse did I?
Ha ha, look at my next post!!!
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