Tango was attacked (again) by the Feral Cat!! He (feral cat)is a pain in the proverbial and has cost us alot of money in vets bills!! I cannot seem to get it through the heads of the Cats Protection Society, that this cat needs dealing with!! No one will loan me a trap because I want him put down! Is that cruel of me? I don't think so, for those of you who reguarly read my blog will know that he used to attack Chimarni, my old cat that died the year before last! For the past 4 years every visit to the vet, other than innoculations, has been becuase of this Feral Cat. This time Tango was lucky not to lose his eye, he has puncture wounds to his leg and has to be confined to the house until he can walk properly again (thank goodness its cooler).
The Feral cat is getting really 'cocky' too. I heard the fight at 01.30, shot out of bed as fast as a bad back allows, came down the stairs , switched on the kitchen light, the fight still went on, opened the curtains, the fight still went on, switched on the outside light, the fight still went on. The ginger & white bu*%er only ran off when I opened the door and then only a part way down the patio, so I had to chase him the rest of the way!
Can you tell I'm mad???????
Think calming thoughts, go to the garden.......................................
Bunty & Bree having a dust bath!
Just look how much the tomato plants have grown!
The Gunnera taking off
its like having your own Jurassic Park Plant in the garden owning one of these!
Just to prove there are one or two flowers about....
I can't go without showing you this......
Off to have a calming weekend!! Oh thats not likely I forgot my mothers coming!!!
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago
Poor old Tango, hope he feels better soon. Is the feral cat only around at night? better keep Tango inside at night for a while.
The cat next door used to be living wild, and was full of fleas and tangled fur and burrs and bugs, but he moved in about 4 years ago and now is a really delightful pet!
We have a feral cat who torments one of the stray's, Titch, who lives in our barn...and he has cost me £55 so far this year in vet bills...and Titch is not even my cat! His owner would never help him but he comes crying to me and I need to help him as I can't watch him suffer. So, I can sympathise with Tango's plight, Libby.
Love the ferns unfurling, the amazing growth on your tomato plants, the gunnera...and TANGO :)
Fancy a peek at our Chelsea Flower Show tulips ?
Libby I so understand where you are coming from on this. Believe it or not our terrier was attacked by a feral cat. Nella would without doubt have killed the cat but it ran off. It left her with serious cuts to her neck. This caused a serious infection and huge swelling in the throat. After extensive treatment she recovered but it wasn't funny. The cat has been back and like you I am worried that Nella will get her eyes damaged. I am sure if it does come back Nella will be out for the kill.....terriers never forget!!!!
I have tagged you today, I hope you don't mind. Pleased do not feel obliged to join in....I must say I am not keen on them.
Absolutely understand....Have a great weekend and hope that your back is feeling better.
Poor Tango -- and poor you! When we had outside/inside cats we always kept them in at night because of the coyotes and hawks, not to mention the owls. Is it too late to train Tango to stay in at night? It certainly saves on vet bills.
hope that cat gets his comeuppance and do have a nice weekend
Jurassic is right and it comes with its own monster too. Poor Tango, cats can really get damaged in a fight. I do so understand how worried you are because of this feral cat that is attacking your kitties.
Bunty and Bree are having a quiet moment taking a dust bath, how very zen of them. ;-)
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