Oh Golly 2nd post today and I get a reminder from Ruth its my Blogs Birthday?????? She's right, and I forgot, just goes to show how out of it I am!!!
Sorry Blog!
Thank you everyone who has visited my blog. I have more blog friends than 'real' friends but I'm OK with that. I visit many blogs who inspire me and by seeing other crafts I decide 'to have a go'!
I got back into knitting through blogs. I try crafty things like soap making, peg dolls, candle making all through seeing it happen on other blogs.
I get ideas for my garden through blogs and forums.
Nobody minds if you moan, if your don't want to read about a moan you just skip to the next blog and come back when you feel up to it.
We celebrate, commiserate, laugh, cry, sing (well Mrs Nesbit does!) on our blogs.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for opening my eyes to many things, different parts of the world, new crafts and for just being you and visiting me!!!
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago
Popped over from Ruth's Garden to wish you
Happy Blogbirthday to you
Happy Blogbirthday to you
Happy blogbirthday dear woodland's world and libby(sung quickly)
Happy blogbirthday to you!
Phew....just as well I was right or the cake I'd left on my blog would have gone to waste!!!
Awwwwwwwwww Libby, just returned home from an afternoon inNidderdale, but so wanted to pop over and wish you the very best for your 1st birthday!
So glad you are a blogger! Great stuff!
Many Happy Returns of the Day, Libby! Your blog adds so much beauty and creativity to the internet. Well done!
Happy Anniversary and here's to another one.
I too learn so much from blog posts and I am fascinated by what I learn from each one.
And a Happy Blog-birthday to you!
Mine went by a while ago, too. -grin-
Just keep at it, that's the most important thing.
Hugs, Mari-Nanci
I said it below - but I will say it again - yummy cake - and happy blog-a-day - and every word you said was true- you can't beat a good blog can you - and yours is a good 'un
Hi Libby, Just wanted to say well done for blooging for a year. I really enjoy visiting your blog and finding out what crafty things you have been creating and what's happening in your garden.
happy Blog Day
Sara from farmingfriends
Happy birthday, what a yummy looking cake for a lovely blog. Your garden really inspires me.
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