Quite a while back I made a bid on Ebay for a Paulownia tomentosa (Foxglove Tree)and won!! It was in Worcester and I had asked if I could pick it up, well yesterday I went and got it and was totally blown away by their garden................. full of jungle plants, bamboos, bird of paradise in flower, tracycarpus, tree ferns and loads more, I only wish I had taken my camera but I had no idea!! It has so inspired me, we have alot of similar plants but theirs are planted in the garden, I think I have been too protective of mine.
So once the veg are underway and whilst I am still sorting the bottom out,I am going to redo the jungle area (patio).
Anyway this is what I paid 99p for
its grown quite a bit since I bid for it but look what they gave me.......
3 foxglove plants, 2 palms and a papaya plant all home grown. Totally stunned I am, it was so lovely to meet people who had a passion for jungle plants like me, although they definately had more knowledge!
It has been so hot, and as you know I don't do heat, apart from the fact since, my upset tum earlier in the week I have been feeling decidedly odd!! Anyway totally and utterley inspired by my jungle plant friend I have been re-organising the patio to incorperate the load of jungle plants I have bought off Ebay!!!!!!! (Shhhhhhhh!)
Can you see what I'm planning????? No? Good! Then it will be a surprise to both of us!!!lol!!!
Anyway, Plan A finish the bottom of the garden, Plan B get planting veggies, Plan C lift some of patio slabs, plant tropical plants and move around etc, Plan D I can't say cos its a secret and it has nothing to do with the garden! Plan E, finish planting round the pond, Plan F, do something with the lawn! Plan G, go and see the neighbours as he has loads of timber he plans to burn that would do for edging the beds!!!!! Plan H, lay slabs around greenhouse that I took up from patio, Plan I, maybe I should get a gardener and not be so ambitious! Plan J, set the alarm really early so I can get some of this work done before it gets too hot!!!!!!!! I'm off for a lie down to gather strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a bargain...I'm so glad you got your Foxglove Tree! I've really enjoyed this warm weather...but I have been lazing about a bit and reading.
Wow you are lucky with your bargains and aren't people kind with their generosity with plant giving. It is a trait with us gardeners - nice to give cuttings etc.
I can't wait to see you jungle garden, the photos you put on here of your plants before they went into their winter quarters were stunning.
And so many plans, I am worn out just reading them.
You sound as obsessed with your garden as I am with my allotment - lol - or should I say passionate - that is a better word for it.
But lucky you - yours is behind your house and mine is a mile away.
Have funxxx
What nice people to give you more plants. I can't wait to see your jungle patio when it's finished.
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