I did not sleep well last night, I woke up at 01.15am and didn't get back into bed until after 04.00am. I was worried about what the specialist would say today!!! As it turned out I was right to worry, I have to go back in for another op on Jan 12th!!! Lets hope it sorts out the problem this time!!!!
We went up Cherhill Downs yesterday, it was a lovely day but bitterley cold. I got some super photos...................
This is looking back down the track we had just walked up towards the A4!! believe it or not........
Now we are standing above the Cherhill White Horse looking again towards the A4 and the village of Cherhill
This is taken from the same place as above but I have zoomed in. If you look carefully you can just make out Cherhill School. This is where both the girls went and we where very fortunate that at the time Kathryn joined it was an up and coming primary school. Beyond the mound of sand is the town of Calne.
we now walked along the ridge towards Cherhill Monument
This is taken standing at the bottom of it and looking up!!!
The plaque reads:-
The Lansdowne Monument
Designed by Sir Charles Harry and built in 1865 by the Third Marque of Lansdowne in memory of his ancester Sir William Petty 1624- 1684 Physician and Surveyor. Repaired by the National Trust 1990 with funds raised by public appeal snd grants from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commision.
This looks beyond the monument, in the distance you can see a clump of trees. This is Morgans Hill, supposedly named after the last man to be hanged there!!!!!
Now I have turned my back on the A4 and I am probably looking towards Westbury in the very far distance...
So I hope you enjoyed our walk. I hope to do quite a few over the festive period as I would like to lose another 1/2 stone before my operation in January.
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago
You should have burnt a few calories then! Lovely photos. Sorry to hear that you have to have a procedure again. Let's home that it sorts out the problem for good this time.
Best wishes
Me too was thinking about you....
Hey next June......................?????
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