As you can see I have been decorating. I feel very spring like, why? Well we have just had the most glorious weekend, blue skies and that yellow ball thing in the sky, I forget its name as its so long since we have seen it?
I wanted snowdrops or daffodils as a background, but couldn't find one so decided to go pink!!!! I hope you like it!
This is my window box after a weekend of warmth and sunshine
it looks so cheerful with the crocus out in bloom!
A close up
The sky the other night
and I think Tango was feeling the heat as well
he certainly knows how to make himself comfortable! lol!
Right off to do some Spring Cleaning! Well maybe not!
Shredding Frenzy
1 day ago
That's a great picture of Tango, and such a lovely sunset too. The new look is very cheering!
Oh what a lovely sight that window box will be very soon. It is almost here Libby, very soon that yellow ball in the sky will be very familiar once again.
Snowdrops and crocuses and it looks like daffodils coming up. This is when I really miss England.
A question about chickens: I have a feral bantam hen who has taken up residence in my yard. She roosts in the nearby olive tree. I feed the birds regularly so of course I throw out a handful or so for her. What are you supposed to feed chickens? She seems to be thriving and I can't adopt her. She belongs next door, whom I suspect haven't seen here in months. Any suggestions? If you visit and scroll down a page or so you will see my continuing saga about her. I just want to make sure she is kept healthy. We don't have freezing temperatures, so she should be OK outside. Any suggestions?
Sorry that should be
How nice to see the first signs of spring in your garden too Libby. Over here we had a lovely and sunny weekend too, amazing isn't it, but I made the most of it.
Your bulbs are looking wonderful, I feel so impatient for mine to flower. I can't remember what I planted. I like the decorating1
oooohhhh I am envious, real crocus, how delightful.
All I can see in my back yard is snow.
Hello Auntie Libby!
What a change since Monday eh? I was wanting to go to my grandma's today as she is knitting me some clothes for my expedition....but the snow came and the roads were dangerous so I have stopped inside,
Have a nice weekend.
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