and Sassy
Now being half Red Burmese brother & sister they are very talkative. Tango is always telling me where I've gone wrong and what I should have done and please hurry up as I need a fuss!! Sassy on the other hand can be very aloofe, especially whilst her brother is around! She loves being out in the garden with you, but is pretending she doesn't!!!
The chickens at long last have started laying fairly reguarly again, which is a relief. They are obviously alot happier now there is more daylight. A funny thing happened last night.... you may or maynot know I'm frightened of the dark and living in the country with no street lights etc dark is b****y dark!! Anyway I wandered down the garden about 17.30ish as it is not really dark at this time and they where all in bed except Babs....
This is Babs
she was wandering around the outside of the run, so I thought OK, I'll come back later. I forgot until about 18.45 when armed with a large torch I went back down (this is brave for me, usually I would leave it for Mark to do when he got in!)Went in and there curled up (sort of) next to the Eglu was Babs!!!! Stupid bird! Have you ever tried to catch a chicken with a large torch wedged between your knees!!! Well I did!! Eventually I popped her in the run and she charged into the Eglu. and the racket from the others was hysterical, I wished I could have taped it and played it to you!! If you can imagine a bed with 3 people settled nicely into it, then all of a sudden someone else rushes in to join them, is cold, knicks the blankets, says you've got cold feet', stop shoving, etc. etc. you get the drift? Well it was just like that!!!
I also planted some sweetpeas and some Hollyhock seeds and there now under cover in the greenhouse here......
this is the garlic that I forgot to put in last autumn, so its now in pots here..
and I know I shouldn't do this but...... you remember the onions I put into trays last week and popped in the greenhouse? well look.......
and finally, because I know I can whitter on a bit! I took Ruths advice and took the Ginger out of the propagator well look at it now....
Smiling here!!!!!
I don't believe this I have just finished sowing Sweet Peas!!! great minds think alike. I love hollyhocks and we have done them before but alas it's a space thing again I don't know where I'd put them. Your ginger's looking great....I think...I repeat think..that a small protruberence may be coming out of the ginger I got last week...I'll leave it a couple of days and if so will take a photo. What an evening you had; I'm picturing it in my mind and having a giggle. Glad the chickens are laying again Sadly got the little redcross box where the onion pic is...why does this keep happening?...happens on mine too and lots of people are complaining about it in Google Groups.
take care
Aha...the onion pic is up now...looking good! keep meaning to ask do you know who else may have managed any success in the pip challenge or is having a go at it......would like to link them in my sidebar under Pip Challenge
Ahh... this was a hillarious post I am still laughing about you having the {{torch between your legs}} chasing the rooster!! So much fun in your space..LoVe your cats as you know I am a cat lover owner of 3..hugsNG
Fantatic post - really cheered me up
The cats look like they are enjoying the sunshine. Its so dark in the country, I'm very quickly over coming being scared of the dark, well not quite. I don't like finding the key hole in the dark on the front door going to have to do something about it. Last night there was a lovely full moon so it was not too bad.
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