I know I haven't got round to visiting your blogs, but I'm busy playing catch up at home. Apart from the inevitable washing, ironing, and housework, groan. I thought you would far rather see how things have been growing
The back of the small greenhouse!
T-rex on the right, the small tray of tomato seedlings in the middle, which need potting on desperately! Brugs and Gingers on the left!
French Beans and Peas! I now have a cloche which I bought from Good Old Wilkinsons, which I need to set up, if I do that this weekend, I should be able to get these in the ground!
The new caster oil plant for the front garden, is growing in leaps and bounds! You can just see the trays of onions on the right!
Plus my stand still in the small greenhouse, full to the brim with alsorts
Moving over to the big greenhouse, the bargain prop no longer wears its cover as everything has got too big!!!
The standard Brug is bursting into life!
the other brugs are also slowly coming back
I have lost a couple of my new ones from last year fortunately I had taken cuttings, although sadly I have lost both the mother plant and cuttings of my apricot one!
Outside thinks are bursting to get going, as winter hasn't quite lost her grasp,
but as you can see somethings don't want to wait
The Gunnera, raring to go!
Some new buys
and finally I must Thank Yolanda @
Bliss for this idea, she did it last year and I thought they where devine so went to my fav shop
Wilkinsons (from where you can now buy online) and bought packs of tulip bulbs last autumn planted them and topped them with violas and pansies! I am pleased
but do be aware that when you buy from a bargain shop you do not necessarily get tulips of the colour named on the pack! I was annoyed at first but now I like the randomness! (if theres such a word)