I saw both specialists last week, one for my rear end which sadly after all the ops is still itchy!! She is a dermatologist and I now have pills and creams and washing stuff to using for 28 days, to see if we can break the cycle!! Hhmmm! not sure!
Then I saw the gynacologist, if you recall the 'bum' man said after all his poking prodding and varying ops, that the pain I was getting was nothing to do with the bowel! After the laparoscopy he believed it was my ovaries, now if your squeamish I suggest you go no further as I am going to post the pics that they took whilst inside my body!!! I find them quite fascinating and you can truely answer that you know me inside and out!!!!!!!!!!
It is has four seperate pics but they are all on one photo. Maybe you can see why the bum man thought the ovaries ought to go. They are the white lumpy looking things!
Anyway the gyni-bloke said he would not necessarily rush in and operate and that he may give me an injection that killed the ovaries for 3 months and see if the pain went, if it does he would then take them out! He then did what all us ladies dread and asked me to assume 'the' position and proceeded to squeeze and squash (well thats what it felt like)my ovaries especially the right one which was exceptionally painful and since then I have been in agony!
So back into hospital on Friday with full bladder for another scan followed by an appointment with him after to find out what is to be done!!!
Some assemblance of order shall return to our household next week as hubby returns to work after his hol, its gone fast hasn't it! I gave up trying to do housework with everyone around, so I shall get back ontop of it tomorrow when K and Hubby drive to Worcester so she can hand in some assignments, drop off library books and pick up some more.
The red car goes in for repairs tomorrow so we will be a one car family for about 4 days!
Well must dash, things to do, I will try and get round your blogs this week.