I get the local parish magazine every month. It helps keep me up to date on whats going on! Anyway theres a competition and I wondered if I should enter, it read....
" Is your garden a winner? It doesn't have to be perfect! Why not give it a go and enter H & S Garden Competition. This is being judged during the week Monday 28th May to June 2nd. The winners will be announced and prizes given at the fete on Saturday 2nd June 2007. Do have a go, all levels of ability welcome!"
Now why do I hesitate, well maybe because my garden currently looks like this.... I will take you down the garden then back up...
all that stuff in the bags and wheel barrow needs to go to the tip, I also need to weed between the slabs, the big hairy bush in front of the bumkers needs a trim but if I do it now I won't get the flowers!!
I'm quite happy with the veg area, the box needs a trim and I need more gravel and it would look alot better if the veg and flowers where growing!!
MMmmm well this is a mess, I think I need higher boards around the edge of the chooks, the mess to the left is where I had a compost bin, I plan to get some tyres and plant potatoes in them, and put them there! Then obviously it will need grass seeding!!
right the way down you can see the fence on the left needs painting. This bed needs digging over, and more soil conditioner added, plus I need to edge the bed with boards to keep the grass and the bed seperate!
the fence behind the jasmine stephinosis needs painting, I took out the crocosmia yesterday along the fence it did look a right mess, I had so many cannas, that I have planted them along here as it gets nice and hot, I had also planned to put in some nicotinia (sp) as well. The slabs and gravel need to go and are to be replaced by a circle of slabs with lavender planted at the corners where the circle fits inside the square area, if you see what I mean!!!!
the big yellow thing on the right of the pic is a baby banana! You can see I'm trying to re-seed here!
Well you can certainly see where the chicken run used to be, I can buy some coir matting that you put down then sow grass seed on top, apparently this helps kee the seed moist!! I must plant the sweetpeas and morning glory up the pallets, they are ready now actually!
well maybe I should give up now!!! Thats the brugmansia covered in fleece, you can see why I had to take it out of the greenhouse, it was practically lifting the roof!!
This is really I suppose cosmetic, but being the perfectionist I am I would like this area slabbed!!
Now just turn around and walk back up the garden and pretend to be a judge!!!
Can you see what I see? NO COLOUR!!!!!! and due to my re-designing and I don't think it leaves enough time for many annuals to come up, but the grass seed may if I water!!!
So what would I need to do starting at the top
1. Dig and edge the jungle beds on the patio and plant up.
2. Make 2 lids for the open coal bunkers.
3. Paint the whole length of the left hand fence.
4. Add more gravel to paths round veg plots.
5. Improve edging to chicken run as they keep scratching their run stuff out everywhere!
6. Re dig and edge all the beds at the bottom.
7. Paint fence panels round pond.
8. We have decided on a circle of patio stones by the pond so would need to buy that plus sand and lay!
9. Also make a canopy for by the pond! (long story)
10. Grass seed the bare patches!
11. Finish laying slabs round greenhouse.
12. Get a delivery of top soil and top up beds.
13. Oh yes theres a bed by the pond that needs totally re doing too!
See it doesn't look much when you write it down, but bearing in mind I still have all my other jobs to do, plus, collecting K for us all to go to the wedding this week end, then take her back next week. Up to my mums for her specialist appointment 24th - 27th May. Tori has 2 appointments this week!So on and so forth!!
I think I'll just borrow Yolandas garden, pop it over here for a week, win the competion, cos I can only enter to win!!! Then I
may give it back to her!!!!! lol!!!